
The European Research Vessels Operators´ group has held annual meetings since 1999.

European Research Vessels Operators´ group meetings


27th ERVO Meeting, 02-04 June 2024. Tórshavn, Faroe Islands

HAVSTOVAN - Faroe Marine Research Institute

Agenda | Practical Information


26th ERVO Meeting, 10-13 June 2024. Vigo, Spain

Marine Technology Unit – CSIC
Agenda | Practical Information | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo | PresentationsMORE [+]

25th ERVO Meeting, 12-14 June 2023. Stockholm, Sweden

KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Agenda | Practical Information | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo | MORE [+]

24th ERVO Meeting, 05-07 September 2022. Bucharest, Romania

National Institute for Research and Development of Marine Geology and Geoecology - GeoEcoMar
Agenda | Practical Information | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo | MORE [+]

ERVO 2022 Webinar - “European RVs economics, management processes and spare capacity”

Attendance List | MORE [+]

23rd ERVO Meeting, 01-02 June 2021

Agenda | Practical Information | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo1 |Photo2 | Photo3 | MORE [+]

11-13 June 2020. Bucharest, Romania - Canceled due to COVID-19
National Institute for Research and Development of Marine Geology and Geoecology - GeoEcoMar
Practical Information

11-13 June 2019. Hamburg, Germany
University of Hamburg - UHH
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo1 |Photo2 | Photo3Photo4 | Photo5Photo6 | MORE [+]

12-14 June 2018. La Valletta, Malta
University of Malta - UM
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo | MORE [+]

12-14 June 2017. Helsinki, Finland
Finnish Environment Institute - SYKE
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo | MORE [+]

10-12 June 2016. Rhodes, Greece
Hellenic Centre for Marine Research - HCMR
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo | MORE [+]

10-11 June 2015 . Galway, Ireland
Marine Institute - MI
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo | MORE [+]

11-12 June 2014 . Barcelona, Spain
Unidad de Tecnología Marina - CSIC
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo | MORE [+]

05-06 June 2013 . Brest, France
French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea - IFREMER
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo | MORE [+]

08-09 May 2012 . Faial, Portugal
Dep. of Oceanography and Fisheries of the Azores Uni. - DOP/UAç
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo1 | Photo2 | MORE [+]

10-11 May 2011 . Oristano, Italy
Institute for Coastal Marine Environment - CNR
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo | MORE [+]

04-06 May 2010 . Southampton, UK
National Oceanography Centre - NOC
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo | MORE [+]

13-15 May 2009 . Copenhagen, Denmark
National institute of Aquatic Resources - DTU Aqua
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo | MORE [+]

20-21 May 2008 . Varna, Bulgaria 
Institute of Oceanology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences  - IOBAS
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo | MORE [+]

19-20 June 2007 . Oostende, Belgium 
Flanders Institute  - VLIZ
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes| Photo1 | Photo2 | Photo3 | Photo4 | Photo5 | Photo6 | Photo7 | Photo8 | Photo9 | MORE [+]

  19-21 June 2006 . Reykjavike, Iceland
Icelandic Institute of Marine Science  - MRI
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | MORE [+]

7-8 April 2005 . Lisbon, Portugal
Comissão Oceanográfica Intersectorial - COI/MCTES 
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes| Photo1| Photo2 | Photo3 | MORE [+] 

   16-17 June 2004 . Barcelona, Spain 
Spanish National Research Council - CSIC
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | MORE [+]

   25-26 April 2003 . Constanza, Romania 
National Institute of Marine Geology and Geoecology  - GeoEcoMar
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | MORE [+]

24-26 April 2002 . Bergen, Norway
Institute of Marine Research - IMR
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo | MORE [+]

   19-20 April 2001 . Rome, Italy
National Research Council  - CNR
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | MORE [+]

27-28 April 2000 . Galway, Ireland 
Marine Institute - MI
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | Photo | MORE [+]

  13-14 December 1999 . Roscoff, France
ESF, Marine Board and CNRS/INSU 
Agenda | Attendance list | Minutes | MORE [+]